With over 25 years experience in the field, many successful cases and very happy patients we aim to help you bring back your smile!
What full dentures can do for you
They can help keep your facial muscles from sagging, bringing years back to your appearance
They can restore your speech and eating
They will enable you to smile confidently
4 Appointments required to make your dentures
Each denture is custom made for each patient. Afterall we are all unique. We are here to ensure at the end of the process you will be happy and confident with your new smile. Check out our gallery!!!
Every denture is made in house by our dental clinician. 4 appointments are required to finish a full denture and your input and opinion is important to us. At the "try in" stage you get the chance to see what your denture will look like and if there are any necessary adjustments, we will make these before the finished denture is delivered. Your opinion matters!!!
We also offer an urgent service for dentures. Please contact us for more details
““Having previously had three sets of small dentures elsewhere, and all proved to be unsuccessful, I was looking for a practice that came highly recommended. the attention to detail both in wireless denture type, colour matching, and most importantly, comfortable fit, is nothing short of excellence. Thanks indeed Des and Cristina.””