How to care for your dentures at home
Dentures should be cleaned with a soft toothbrush and a drop of dishwashing liquid every night. In addition to this, we recommend that once a week they are cleaned in a denture cleaning solution;
Try and give them a rinse after each meal to remove any food debris. At the same time give your mouth a rinse;
If you are using denture adhesive to keep them in place, please remove this thoroughly when cleaning;
Make sure you handle them with care while out of your mouth. Many breakages happen whilst dentures are being cleaned. We recommend you clean them over a water filled sink or a towel, just in case they are dropped;
In the unfortunate event that this should happen do not attempt to adjust or repair them yourself. You risk damaging them or severely complicating the repair process. We can fix them for you!!!
Things to avoid when handling dentures
Please avoid using anything abrasive such as toothpaste or a hard toothbrush to clean your dentures! Using products which contain bleach could also have a negative effect on your dentures. It could change their colour, weaken them and or even corrode them if they contain metal;
Also avoid using boiling or very hot water as it may cause them to warp.